Distinguished alumni of Cambridge University’s Department of Earth Sciences and its precursors include Charles Darwin, Sir Edward Bullard and Sir David Attenborough. All have revolutionised our understanding of this planet in different ways: Darwin with his theory of evolution by natural selection, Bullard by proving the existence of tectonic plates and Attenborough through his lifelong advocacy of nature conservation.
Today the Department is divided between two sites: the historic Downing Street in the city centre and the semi-rural Madingley Rise to the north-west adjoining the University’s award-winning Eddington development. A project was therefore conceived to unify Earth Sciences in a purpose-built research and teaching facility located in north-west Cambridge.
The ensuing competition was won by the same team who designed the Ray Dolby Centre for the Cavendish Laboratory on the University’s nearby West Cambridge campus. By applying lessons learned from the earlier scheme, the design team led the client through a briefing and stakeholder engagement process that is upheld as an exemplar by the University’s Estates Division.
The resulting brief calls for a flexible, permeable, welcoming building that reflects the Earth Sciences by showcasing sustainability and scientific research, attracting and facilitating collaboration between the highest calibre of staff and students.

Department of Earth Sciences
Jestico + Whiles, team included Julian Dickens
ISO 6 VC-A Metal Free Geochemistry & Mass Spectroscopy Cleanrooms
Chemistry, Fluid Dynamics, High Temperature, Mass Spectroscopy, NMR, SEM (VC-E) & Teaching Laboratories
Lecture Theatre, Learning Resource Centre, Common Room, Workshops, Offices, Seminar & Meeting Rooms
BREEAM Excellent
Eden Landscape Architects: 2
University of Cambridge
Jestico + Whiles: 1 & 3
Floor Area
Cambridge, UK
2. North-West Cambridge masterplan

1. Existing electron microscopy laboratory

3. Existing geochemistry cleanroom
“This building typology is exceptionally demanding and balancing the highly technical aspects of research laboratory design with elegant, striking architecture is no mean feat. Julian takes this in his stride”
Heinz Richardson
Former Board Director, Jestico + Whiles Architects
Please refer to Acknowledgements for project team credits